Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Momma

Dear Momma,

This morning I woke up thinking about the Mother's Day I flew home to surprise you. I had just completed my first year at Utah State, and I was quite homesick. Luckily, I was able to find a cheap ticket home for Mother's Day weekend. By taking a red eye flight home, I thought I would sleep on the plane. Boy was I wrong! I was too excited to sleep. Have you ever been at the airport and seen people passed out across some seats at the gate? Well, that was me at the Atlanta airport except not only was I completely out I was hugging my laptop for dear life.  Cody came to pick me up because we knew that you were getting your hair done at Kim's.  When I finally made it home, I was exhausted beyond belief. So me and Q-Tip (our dog) curled up on the end of your  bed and took a nap. The next thing I knew you were the bedroom asking “Cody, who is on my bed?” over and over. I turned my very sleepy self over to face her and said “Happy Mother's Day Momma.”  Your reaction was worth those 24 crazy hours prior to me flying home.

You see Mom, we have this incredible bond.  I can't explain it, and words aren't adequate enough to describe this bond of ours.  We love each other immensely and we can drive each other crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I am the person I am today because I have such an amazing mother!  I know I tell you I love you everyday, but I am going to tell ya again because I sure do love you so very much.  

I can't wait to give you your Mother's Day present in 10 days!

ik hou van jou,


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thank You

This time last year I was a nervous wreck because as I was taking finals and writing massive papers, I was also going through the interview process for an internship in Pune, India. I was checking my email like a stalker watches his object of affection anxiously waiting to hear whether or not they had chosen me. As I prepared to leave my house to take my final exam which just happened to be Media Law, I checked my email not believing what I had read. Sangam World Centre had chosen me to be their first Marketing Communications Intern. I was astonished. I called my parents and texted a good friend to relay the news. Walking to my Media Law final I called my boss and turned in my notice. I am going to be honest and tell you that I was scared out of my mind to pack things up and go to India. Luckily, I have friends like Angie and Kort who gave me the courage I needed to move forward with my journey. I had friends like Sofi who helped me get my plane ticket and all my stuff down to Salt Lake and Gillian who let me keep my stuff at her place until I returned.

I really just want to give a heart felt sincere thank you to my family and friends who have supported me during the whole India process and who have also stood by my side during all of the hardships that I have encountered since returning. You ARE my true friends. To my family I love you more than words can describe. Without all of your help (friends and family) I would not have been able to enjoy such a wonderful and exciting opportunity!