Whew! I can't believe that Mom and I have made it another week! Let's start with the good news first. Becca received a clean bill of health from the surgeon! Mom is off the ventilator, and yesterday started eating almost regular food. She received her voice box for her trach on Monday. I haven't heard Mom's voice since July 14th. Needless to say when I heard her say my name out loud, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude and love. Gratitude and love to my Heavenly Father for listening and answering all of the prayers on her behalf as well as love and gratitude for my mother. Mom has spent her life serving her family and all those around her. I could not have asked for a better example of a loving mother.
Those who know me know how much I love my family. Yes, even my brothers when they act stupid and I want to beat the hell of out them. Still they are my brothers and I am allowed to feel that way because I am the BIG SISTER! Yes even to my older brother :) I tell you this because when someone picks on my siblings or my parents the mother bear tends to come out in me. I say this because as some of you already know we had a hard night last night with an apathetic nurse. I want to say that while there are some really horrible nurses out there, the vast majority that have helped my Mom have been wonderful. I cannot complain. They have treated my mother as if she were part of their family. Unfortunately for the nurse last night she had to deal with Grant Jolley's grand-daughter and great grand-daughter. She had no idea what she was in for when she showed up for work yesterday. I have filed my complaint and have voiced my opinion to the powers at be. Mom and I won the battle.
So outside of the run in we had with the night nurse Mom has had a great week! She is ever so slowly making improvements. I celebrate each day we make it through together. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who likes us or who doesn't. Material possessions are irrelevant. For me all that matters is my trust and faith in my Heavenly Father, my family, and my friends. So as always thank you for everything.
Here is a blurry selfie of me and Mom. Yes, Sulyn I know that I stink at taking selfies :)
Much love,
Those who know me know how much I love my family. Yes, even my brothers when they act stupid and I want to beat the hell of out them. Still they are my brothers and I am allowed to feel that way because I am the BIG SISTER! Yes even to my older brother :) I tell you this because when someone picks on my siblings or my parents the mother bear tends to come out in me. I say this because as some of you already know we had a hard night last night with an apathetic nurse. I want to say that while there are some really horrible nurses out there, the vast majority that have helped my Mom have been wonderful. I cannot complain. They have treated my mother as if she were part of their family. Unfortunately for the nurse last night she had to deal with Grant Jolley's grand-daughter and great grand-daughter. She had no idea what she was in for when she showed up for work yesterday. I have filed my complaint and have voiced my opinion to the powers at be. Mom and I won the battle.
So outside of the run in we had with the night nurse Mom has had a great week! She is ever so slowly making improvements. I celebrate each day we make it through together. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who likes us or who doesn't. Material possessions are irrelevant. For me all that matters is my trust and faith in my Heavenly Father, my family, and my friends. So as always thank you for everything.
Here is a blurry selfie of me and Mom. Yes, Sulyn I know that I stink at taking selfies :)
Much love,