Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Bookie!

Dear Bookie,

Happy Birthday! I will admit I am pretty upset with the fact that you aren't here to celebrate turning 24 with me. I still haven't adjusted to using past tense when I talk about you. It just doesn't feel right. This time last year I was enjoying life over yonder in the land called India. I still don't know if you ever got the card that I sent you. Oh well, too late now. So, I had decided to do my top 10 memories of you, but then realized that I would incriminate myself quite a bit, so yeah I will do my top memories that are a safe bet of not landing me in jail. :)

Some of My Top Memories of Bookie

That time you thought your balls fell into the toilet and Mom used a Maxi Pad to stop the bleeding? Oh yes, I went there!

When we decided that you would name your first son Mario and I would name mine Luigi. Mom still isn't amused with that decision :)

When we use to race the power wheels down the street without any batteries.

When you told our cute little nephews to “Man Up” because you were watching LOTR.

When you brought home that write up in 5th grade stating that you had detention because you farted in the bathroom! Where else are you suppose to relieve gas?!?

I love ya Bookie. I wish you were here, but I am slowly understanding why you had to leave me. Mind you my understanding does NOT negate the fact that I am going to kick your trash when it's my time to go....just sayin'. You are and forever will be my favorite baby brother.

Happy Birthday!

Love Always & Forever,

Bookie Bo